Undercover in the Middle East
Countless military and law enforcement personnel deploy undercover every day with their gear. Some have got an easy cover garment to work with and some do not. Striking a balance between comfort and concealment can be a challenge.
Many have observed that often darker colors seem to conceal better. The only way to be certain is to experiment for yourself and have your coworkers give you feedback.
There are a lot of innovative holster ideas out there and one or several can be a good fit for your individual circumstances. Plastic holsters offer great moisture barriers and trigger protection but can be uncomfortable. Leather has a better feel against your skin and they are very easy on the firearm. Again, both offer one-off solutions that require separate mounting for each piece. Hybrid plastic-leather products emerging now offer a compromise to traditional belt-fastened holsters. Spandex and stretch nylon shirt holsters are unique but require regular washing and simply do not hold a mid-frame firearm secure to law enforcement standards. Elastic bands can be weak, with limited capacity, and constantly slide out of position.
If you are a real practitioner then like most people you have a box of dud holsters in your closet that just did not work for you. Welcome to club, its a cost of the quest for the holy grail of holsters! We hope you find it here. We are interested in your feedback!
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